Having just participated in CHTA’s Caribbean Travel Marketplace there are several trends that emerged from both the supplier and buyer sides, but there’s one in particular that we feel needs addressed immediately. To begin with, it’s important to remember that the Caribbean is no longer competing with itself for North American travelers, it’s competing with […]
Luxury Hotel Guests and Experiential Ownership
Luxury hotels are currently and foreseeably facing situations where their guest are seeking more exceptional and original experiences. This stems from the movement from luxury consumer goods to luxury lifestyles. Bridges are appearing between luxury goods and luxury tourism & hospitality outlets such as designer hotels, the recruitment of famous chefs for resort restaurants, renowned […]
9 Ways to be More ‘All Inclusive’
Back in June (Pride Month) we wrote about LGBTQ travelers in terms of numbers, marketing, policies, and attitudes in the Caribbean and we did it clinically, as we would for any other market segment. This month, after watching Trekk Soft’s webinar on the LGBT traveler with Meg Cale – blogger and travel influencer, we’d like […]
The Post-Modernization of the Luxury Concept
To understand the modernization of luxury in the hospitality and tourism industry and to then apply it to the Caribbean, one must first understand what luxury really is. Whether it’s the craftsmanship involved when artists create beautiful objects or services in a hotel – luxury in the hospitality industry means having a passion for delivering […]
6 Way to Give Back
Here at coralrange one of our most fundamental beliefs is giving back. Reaching out to and supporting the communities that support you is important for a multitude of reasons one of which is it’s the right thing to do! And from a business perspective, happy, healthy, and safe communities are good for the Caribbean tourism […]
The Caribbean Airport Experience: How Does Your Island Rate?
First AND last impressions are for a lifetime. Think back to your latest airport experience here in the Caribbean – was it a good one? Did the arrivals process set the tone of excitement and fun and make you even more thrilled to be there? Or did it wear you out to the point where […]