Contrary to what a lot of people were thinking back when e-readers first came out, the popularity of printed books has actually been growing. Despite the saturation of social media the global book publishing industry is expected to increase by 10 billion dollars to 123 billion by 2020 and here’s a pretty interesting statistic from […]
The Newest Trend in Hotel Marketing
We’ve been producing quite a few photo and video shoots lately and if there’s one thing we always advise our clients it’s to show ‘the best version of your property,’ not an unrealistic version. It’s akin to taking a portrait: make sure you look good, but don’t Photoshop yourself beyond recognition. You’re only going to […]
Heritage Tourism and Why Your Island Needs It
Encouraging and supporting heritage tourism is one of the best things we can do for Caribbean island nations. It has positive economic impacts at the grassroots level, establishes and reinforces identity, differentiates you from other islands in the Caribbean, helps to preserve a nation’s cultural and historical heritage, and facilitates harmony and understanding amongst peoples. […]
Why Luxury Resorts Should Rethink Pet Policies
If your resort is aiming to be or claims to be luxury-lifestyle, then you’re going to need to think about how to cater to pets. Though it’s not as common in the Caribbean due to restrictive import permit requirements, it is becoming more and more usual as many hotels and resorts have ownership components to […]
The Importance of Instagrammable Experiences at Your Resort
Of all the social media channels used for discovering new travel destinations Instagram is the most popular and that’s why creating ‘instagrammable moments’ at your Caribbean hotel or resort is so important. Couple Lauren Bullen of @gypsea_lust and Jack Morris of @doyoutravel are arguably two of the most popular travelgrammers out there and it’s easy […]
What the Caribbean Can Learn From Bali
When Trip Advisor came out with its Top 25 Luxury Hotels in the World for 2018 NOT ONE Caribbean Island resort was to be found on it but 2 on the little island of Bali were. We were lucky enough to be invited to find out what exactly is going on on the other side […]